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Comm100 Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
About Two-Factor Authentication
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is a security process in which two different authentication factors must be provided to verify your identity. It helps protect your Comm100 account from unauthorized access by adding a second-level security layer to your primary-level authentication. The 2FA process is not necessary for all sites. However, Comm100 suggests that it should be set up to enhance your account security further. With more robust security like 2FA, you can secure your customer's valuable data from unauthorized access and other cybercrimes.

Note:  If your agent or super-agent is logged in using Single Sign On (SSO), 2FA will not be available to them. However, it will be available to the administrator even if logged in using SSO.

Set up, Reset, and Turn Off Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
Your agent or super-agent needs to install the 2FA authenticator app on a mobile device and use it to scan the QR code while setting up 2FA. You can also input a secret key instead into the 2FA authenticator app when setting up 2FA.

The input code generated by the 2FA authenticator app is then provided on the Comm100 login page to complete the 2FA setup.

Note:  Comm100 supports 2FA using third-party mobile authenticator apps, such as Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, Authy, Duo Mobile, and so forth. Users using the Apple products (such as Mac, iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch) can use the built-in 2FA feature for their Apple ID.

If you want to switch to a different third-party 2FA authenticator app, reset your current 2FA before setting up a different one.

Set Up 2FA 

If you are setting up the 2FA for the first time for your account, you can do it via Comm100 Control Panel. 

To set up 2FA via Comm100 Control Panel, follow these steps:

  1. As an agent or super-agent, log in to the Comm100 Control Panel.
  2. From the left navigation menu, go to your avatar > profile name.
    The My Account drawer appears.
  3. Select the Security Settings tab and click Set up.
    The Link the app to your account drawer appears.
  4. Install a third-party 2FA authenticator app on a mobile device and scan the QR code, which is provided on the Link the app to your account drawer.
    Note: You can also enter the secret code shared on the Link the app to your account drawer into your 2FA authenticator app in case you find an issue connecting using a QR Code. 
  5. Click Next.
    The 2FA authenticator app generates the six-digit numeric code.  
  6. Provide the six-digit numeric code on the Enter the Authentication Code drawer to the Comm100 Control Panel.    
    The 2FA is successfully enabled with your comm100 account.
  7. Click Done to close the drawer.
    By default, 2FA frequency is set for agents to skip 2FA on trusted devices for 14 days from the Comm100 Control Panel: Global Settings > Security > Two-Factor Authentication. For example, if the agent clears the browser cookie or uses a different browser, it is no longer a trusted device or browser for logging in to the Control Panel. However, you can set every login as a default setting.
    kb- secsettings-01.png

Reset 2FA

Your agents and super-agents can also reset the 2FA of their profile from the Control Panel. Resetting the 2FA of your account is required in the following cases: 

  • You want to switch to a different 2FA third-party authenticator app. 
  • Upon unlocking the locked account from your administrator, reset the 2FA. 

To reset 2FA via Comm100 Control Panel, follow these steps:

  1. As an agent or super-agent, log in to the Comm100 Control Panel.
  2. From the left navigation menu, go to account avatar > profile name.
    The My Account drawer appears.
  3. Select the Security Settings tab and click Reset.
    Note: In case you want to disable the 2FA, go to My Account drawer, select the Security settings tab and click Turn off.
  4. From the third-party 2FA authenticator app on a mobile device, scan the QR code, which is provided on the Link the app to your account drawer.
  5. Click Next.
    The 2FA authenticator app generates the six-digit numeric code. 
  6. Provide the six-digit numeric code on the Enter the Authentication Code drawer to the Comm100 Control Panel.    
    The 2FA is successfully reset with your comm100 account.  

Turn Off 2FA

To turn off 2FA of your Comm100 account, follow these steps:

  1. As an agent or super-agent, log in to the Comm100 Control Panel.
  2. From the left navigation menu, go to account avatar > profile name.
    The My Account drawer appears. 
  3. Select the Security Settings tab and click Turn off.

Login Using Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
On successfully enabling the 2FA setup of your account, you can now use the 2FA after verifying your Comm100 credentials on the login page. You need to input the six-digit passcode generated by the 2FA authenticator app to the Input Authentication Code page. Your site administrator can choose to skip the 2FA for agents and super-agents for 14 days.

  • You must complete the six-digit passcode authentication within 10 minutes after verifying your Comm100 credentials and ensure to provide correct passcode in 5 attempts to prevent your account from getting locked.
  • If you are using Google Authenticator on Android devices, you need to select Sync now from the App's Settings and then Time correction for codes. If you are using other Authenticator apps or Google Authenticator on iOS devices, make the Set Automatically option enabled on the phone's Date & Time setting. 
  • Each authentication code is valid for 30 seconds. You must ensure to always get and enter the latest correct code.

Login using 2FA on Comm100 Control Panel

To login using 2FA on Comm100 Control Panel, follow these steps:

  1. On the User Sign In page, provide your Comm100 credentials, and click Sign In.
    The Input Authentication Code page appears.
  2. Enter the six-digit passcode generated from your 2FA authenticator app and click Verify.
    Comm100 confirms successful sign-in to your Comm100 account.


Login using 2FA on Comm100 Agent Console

To login using 2FA on Comm100 Agent Console, follow these steps:

  1. On the User Sign In page, provide your Comm100 credentials, and click LOG IN.
    The Input Authentication Code page appears.
  2. Enter the six-digit passcode generated from your 2FA authenticator app and click Verify.
    You are successfully logged in to your Comm100 Agent Console.

Login using 2FA on Comm100 Live Chat Mobile App

The Comm100 Live Chat mobile app supports 2FA on both Android and iOS platforms. 

To login using 2FA on Comm100 Live Chat Mobile app, follow these steps:

  1. On the sign in page, provide your Comm100 credentials, and tap LOG IN.
    The Input Authentication Code page appears.
  2. Enter the six-digit passcode generated from your 2FA authenticator app and tap Verify.
    You are successfully logged in to Comm100 Live Chat app.
Backup Code for Login
The backup code is used for your agents or super agents if they lose their phones or cannot access the device for any reason. Your site administrator and agents having the required permissions can generate the backup code for other agents or administrators.
Note: If your account administrator loses their device or cannot log in for some reason, contact the Comm100 Support team for the backup code. 

To generate a backup code, follow these steps:

  1. As a site administrator, log in to the Comm100 Control Panel.
  2. From the left navigation menu, go to Global Settings > People > Agents.
  3. Click the Get Backup Code icon against the agent's name from the list.
    The Get Backup Code drawer appears.
  4. Click Generate a Code.
  5. Copy the code and share it with your agent or super-agent whose account is locked.
    Note: Each backup code can be used only once. The code expires after 30 minutes and will no longer work if it was already used or a new backup code is generated.
    Your agent or super-agent uses the backup code in the Input Authentication Code page after their email with password is verified successfully on the User Sign In page.
2FA Warning Messages

You may receive warning messages while logging into your Comm100 via Two-Factor Authentication. 

Login Attempt Failed 

Comm100 gives you five login attempts to input the authentication code you receive from the Authenticator app. However, if you fail to log in on the third and fourth attempt, the Input Authentication Code page displays a warning message: You have 2(1) login attempt(s) before your account is locked


Provide the correct authentication code and click Verify to log in successfully to Comm100. 

Sign In Attempt Time Out 

The Input Authentication Code page gives you 10 minutes to sign in. If you fail to sign in within 10 minutes, the Input Authentication Code page displays a warning pop-up: Sign In Attempt Timed Out


Click Sign In Again to authenticate successfully to Comm100. 

Incorrect Code 

If you provide an incorrect code on the Input Authentication Code page, you get a warning message: Incorrect code, please try again.

kb-incorrect code-01.png

 Provide the correct authentication code and click Verify to log in successfully to Comm100. 

Account Lock 

Comm100 gives you five login attempts to input the authentication code you receive from the Authenticator app. However, if you fail to provide the correct code on all the attempts, your Comm100 account gets a lock. You need to contact your administrator to unlock the account or use the Forget Password link on the login page to reset the password. 


Provide the correct authentication code and click Verify to log in successfully to Comm100.

Note: 2FA is presently not supported for Comm100 integration Magento, WordPress, Cisco, or so forth. You can log in to the integrations directly with your Comm100 account ID and password.