How to Email Chat Transcripts Automatically

With Comm100 Live Chat, your chat transcripts are saved in your Comm100 account. You can send the transcripts to designated email addresses after the chat ends for efficient follow-ups.

Step by Step Instructions

To set up automatic transcript emails, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Comm100 account.
  2. From the left navigation menu, go to Live Chat > Campaign > Chat Window. If you have multiple campaigns, select the correct campaign from the drop-down list.
  3. On the Chat Window page, scroll down and expand the Advanced menu.
  4. Select the Automatically email chat transcripts for archiving or followup check box.
  5. Enter the email address(es) to receive the chat transcripts.
    Note:  By default, the automatic transcript emails are sent from If you want to change the sender address, expand the Options for Visitors menu, and change the SMTP server settings under Allow visitors to email chat transcripts option.
  6. Enter the subject of the transcript email.
  7. Click Save.  

Now, your chat transcripts will be automatically sent to the specified email address(es) after each chat ends.