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Why Am I Seeing IP Addresses Instead of Visitor Names in the Agent Console


When I chat with site visitors, I do not see their names; instead, I see IP addresses.


The following could be the possible cause:

  • The pre-chat window is not enabled, so visitors have no way of inputting their names.
  • Pre-chat is enabled, but the Name field is either Invisible or not set as Required. If your customer does not specify their Name, the chat system shows the visitor IP address as Name instead.
  • Instead of using the system default Name field, you are using a custom pre-chat field.
  • You are using a custom variable to automatically get the name data, but the configuration has not been properly done.


  1. Log in to the Comm100 Control Panel.
  2. From the left navigation menu, go to Live Chat > Campaign.
  3. Select the correct campaign from the drop-down list.
  4. Go to Pre-chat and turn on the toggle key. 
  5. Select the fields you want your visitors to fill in and mark them visible. Make sure to mark mandatory fields as Required.
  6. Set the name field as both Visible and Required.
    Note:  Make sure you are using the system default Name field on your pre-chat survey to capture visitor names instead of a custom field. Only by assigning value to the system default Name fields can Agent Console display the visitors’ Name. If you disable the system Name field and create a custom field instead for your visitors to input, Agent Console will not display it as a visitor name.
    Note:  System fields cannot be deleted, but you will see a Bin icon for the custom fields.
  7. If you are using custom variables to automatically get information using data from your website, make sure this has been configured correctly. To learn how to set up custom variables, see this article.