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Comm100 Glossary

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  • @mention
    In Ticketing & Messaging, an option that allows an agent to notify and involve another agent into a ticket. The @mentioned agent can view, edit and reply to the ticket regardless of permissions.
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  • abandoned chat
    A chat request which was not picked up by an agent in time and abandoned by visitors without leaving an offline message.
  • active
    Pertaining to agents who can handle chats and tickets, and change configurations on the Control Panel. When created, agents are active by default.
  • adaptive chat button 
    A style of chat button that have interactive animations and adjusts automatically in size and layout to fit mobile screens. See also chat button.
  • add-on
    A supplemental feature that allows users to customize Comm100 solutions. Comm100 add-ons include Co-browsing, Secure Messaging, Chatbot, Task Bot, Agent Assist, and Voice Bot.
  • administrator
    A role who has all permissions over the Comm100 system, for example, setting up different channels, creating agents and assigning roles. The first user registered within a site is the site administrator by default. 
  • agent
    A role who can handle chats and tickets, and make configurations within the Comm100 system. See also Super Agent.
  • agent assignee
    In Ticketing & Messaging, the agent to whom a ticket is assigned.
  • Agent Assist
    An AI-powered virtual assistant that helps agents respond to customer queries more efficiently. It monitors 'agents' chats (inside Agent Console), understands the questions customers ask, and suggests the answers from Knowledge Base, Canned Messages, and Chatbot Intents.
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  • Agent Assist Score
    The matching score that reflects the similarity between visitor questions and existing help resources (Knowledge Base, Canned messages, and AI Chatbot Intents). See also matching score.
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  • Agent Console
    The software interface through which agents handle chats and tickets.
  • Agent Console Extension
    A software program that serves to extend the capability of the Agent Console, for example, adding a custom tab to the Agent Console.
  • Agent Console JavaScript API
    An API used to extend the capability of the Agent Console. It extends the Agent Console's capabilities, such as returning information about chatting customers, information about logged-in agents, and sending messages to the current chat.
  • agent response time 
    The time that an agent takes to respond to a message from customers.
  • Agent Single Sign-On (Agent SSO)
    A service that allows agents to have a single login across Comm100 and other applications. This means agents can access the Agent Console or Control Panel without re-entering usernames and passwords. See also Single Sign-On (SSO).
  • agent status 
    The state of agents indicating whether they are ready to take chats or tickets. At Comm100, agent status includes Online and Away. See also away status, online status.
  • Agent Wrap-Up
    A summary or review of a chat done by agents in the middle of or after a chat. Agent Wrap-up fields can be used to categorize and track chats.
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  • agent utilization
    A metric that indicates workload of online agents. Chat utilization = total number of online agents' ongoing chats/total number of maximum concurrent chats of all online agents. 
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    A machine or algorithm capable of performing tasks that typically require human-level intelligence. Comm100 AI includes Chatbot, Voice Bot, and Agent Assist. See also generative AI.
  • Audio & Video Chat
    A feature that allows visitors and agents to talk with and see each other over chat.
  • automatic invitation 
    A chat invitation that pops up automatically when visitors are browsing the webpage. Automatic invitations appear based on pre-defined rules. See also proactive chat.
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  • Auto Distribution
    • In Live Chat, a feature that allows chat requests to be allocated to agents automatically according to pre-defined rules. Agents do not need to pick up auto-distributed chats manually.
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    • In Ticketing & Messaging, a feature that allows tickets to be allocated to agents automatically according to pre-defined rules. Agents do not need to pick up auto-distributed tickets manually.
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  • Auto Translation
    A technology that translates the languages of visitors and agents automatically. Comm100 offers Auto Translation for Live Chat, Ticketing & Messaging, and Chatbot with built-in Google Translation integration.
  • Auto Translation for Chatbot
    A feature that enables chatbots to chat with visitors who speak any language. When enabled, the chatbot detects the visitor's language and sends responses in the language that the visitor used in the latest message.
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  • Auto Translation for Live Chat
    A feature that allows agents to chat with visitors who speak a different language with little effort. When enabled, the system detects the visitor's language and translates the incoming and outcoming messages in real-time on both the agent and visitor side.
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  • Auto Translation for Ticketing & Messaging
    A feature that allows agents to auto-identify and translate contacts' messages if they are using different languages. When enabled, the system detects the contact's language and translates the incoming and outcoming messages in real-time on both the agent and contact side.
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  • away status
    A status in which agents are not available for auto-distributed chats or tickets. Agents can still accept chats or tickets manually when their statuses are away. See also agent status, custom away status.


  • backup department
    In Live Chat, an overflow function for Auto Distribution in the event that all agents in a department have reached their maximum number of concurrent chats. 
  • ban list
    In Live Chat, a feature used to block visitors with specified IDs or IPs from initiating chat requests. The banned visitors cannot see the chat button on the website, and do not appear in the visitor list of the Agent Console.
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  • billing period
    The payment schedule defined while purchasing Comm100 products and services. The billing period can be Monthly or Yearly.
  • block senders
    In Ticketing & Messaging, a feature that allows users to mark messages as junk or reject all messages from defined sender addresses.
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  • bot
    A software program that performs automated and repetitive tasks. Comm100 provides customer- and agent-facing bots to improve customer service efficiency and productivity. Comm100 bot products include Task Bot, Chatbot, Agent Assist, and Voice Bot.
  • bot action
    The automated operation that a bot performs to fulfill specific tasks. In Comm100, bot actions can be sending messages, collecting information, transferring chat to human agents, and so on.
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  • bot action volume
    The maximum number of actions that the bot can perform per month/year based on the billing schedule.
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  • bot-to-bot transfer
    An option that allows chats to be transferred from a Task Bot or Chatbot to another Chatbot.
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  • booked meetings
    In Bot, a record of the meetings that visitors booked via Task Bot or Chatbot. Meetings booked via Microsoft Bookings are not recorded.


  • calendar hours
    Regular full-day round-the-clock hours. For 24/7 support, calendar hours are the basis of SLA policies. See also operating hours.
  • call log
    A record of phone call details that the voice bot has handled, such as Calling From, Calling To, Status, Transferred Time, Transferred To, and Call Duration.
  • canned message 
    A pre-defined message used for easy re-use and access in the future. Canned messages are usually created for greetings, frequently asked questions, and more. Canned message includes public canned message and private canned message. See also public canned message, private canned message.
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  • Canned Quick Replies
    In Bot, a pre-defined answer options for visitors. Canned quick replies can be reused in multiple intents.
  • Campaign 
    A set of configurations that control the look and feel of live chat, mostly affecting the look and behavior of the chat button and window. See also Dynamic Campaign.
  • Capability Weighting
    In Live Chat, an Auto Distribution rule that allocates chats according to agent availability. Each agent is defined a maximum number of concurrent chats. Agent availability is calculated by comparing the number of chats they have ongoing to their maximum concurrent chats. 
  • capture a visitor
    To keep a visitor in the visitor list of Agent Console. A captured visitor remains in the visitor list even after they leave the website so that agents can still check and store their information. See also release a visitor.
  • channel 
    In Ticketing & Messaging, the medium through which a ticket comes from. The supported message channels in Comm100 include Messenger, Secure Messaging, email, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Telegram, WeChat, LINE, SMS, WhatsApp, and internal.
  • channel account
    In Ticketing & Messaging, users' accounts of different channels that have been integrated with Comm100. Accounts can be Facebook Pages, Email accounts, Twitter accounts, WhatsApp for Business accounts, WeChat Official accounts, SMS accounts, and so on. 
  • chat button
    A button displayed on the website which can be clicked to start a chat. See also adaptive chat button.
  • chat link
    A URL which can be accessed to start a chat, which allows a customer start Live Chat without the need to visit a user's website. 
  • chat window 
    The interface through which website visitors chat with agents. The chat window appears after the chat button is clicked. See also embedded chat window, popup chat window.
  • chat transcript 
    A record of a chat between a visitor and an agent. Chat transcripts include all the conversation details, such as the text, customer's details, and time stamps for each message. Comm100 automatically creates a transcript for each chat session.
  • Chatbot
    An automated, AI-powered virtual agent that can be added to Live Chat to help customers get answers to their questions and accomplish their goals.
  • Chatbot Score
    A score representing the matching degree of a visitor's question with a Chatbot's Intents in the library. The higher the matching score, the more confident the Chatbot is that an Intent should be used as an answer for a particular question. It then uses the Intent with the highest score as the answer. See also matching score.
  • Chatbot Sensitivity
    The Chatbot's capacity to provide matching answers to visitor questions. The sensitivity score ranges from 0 to 100 and can be manually adjusted.
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  • Chatbot Sentiment Analysis
    An advanced feature that analyzes the visitors' sentiment during the conversation with the chatbot to understand how the chatbot performs and where it can be improved.
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  • cloud deployment 
    A typical Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) deployment option. With cloud deployment, users' Comm100 solution resides on a cloud server hosted and maintained by Comm100, and updates are made automatically. See also deployment.
  • chats from bot to agent 
    Chats that are manually taken over by agents, or the chats that are automatically transferred from Chatbot to a live agent when certain conditions are met, or the chats that customers choose to switch to chat with agents.
  • Co-browsing
    A synchronized internet browsing session that allows agents to view and access visitor's web browser in real-time. Using Co-browsing, agents only view and request control over the webpage where the live chat code is installed, and not any other browser tabs, applications or the visitor's desktop.
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  • Collected Leads
    Customer details that are collected via chatbot or task bot using the Collect Info bot action. Collected Leads include Name, Email, Phone, Company, and Comment.
  • concurrent chats
    The number of chats that an agent handles at the same time. 
  • contact
    A customer who has a unified identity in the Comm100 system. Contacts are compiled from email addresses, user SSO information, social media accounts, SMS number, and so on.
  • Control Panel
    The interface where agents with appropriate permissions can manage feature configurations, grant permissions, and access data like chat history and reporting statistics. 
  • conversion
    An action taken by website visitors that is considered valuable to the website owner. Comm100's Live Chat Conversion feature links live chat data with users' onsite data, allowing users to view the statistics of chat which contributes to conversion.
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  • Credit Card Masking
    A feature that allows users to mask credit card numbers sent directly through the chat window or within any messages sent from integrated Ticketing & Messaging channels to protect data privacy. The credit card numbers are collected, processed, and transmitted as per the PCI DSS rules.
  • cross-site chat transfer
    A feature that allows chats to be transferred among different sites in the same chat transfer group. Cross-site chat transfer works for Partner users who have multiple Comm100 sites.
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  • CSS customization
    A way of customizing the chat window by using CSS (Cascade Style Sheets) code, which allows for higher flexibility for the chat window to resonate with the user's website.
  • custom away status
    An option that allows users to create additional away statuses, such as lunch break, meeting, and phone call, to allow customization over and above the default away status. See also away status, lunch break, meeting, phone call.
  • custom entity
    In Bot, the user-defined pieces of information that provides context to customers' intents, such as time, date, or location. See also Entity.
  • custom field
    A prebuilt field that stores information related to chats, tickets, and contacts. See also field
  • Custom Variables
    An option used to collect visitors' information from the user's website and display on the Comm100 Agent Console. Custom Variables help make use of visitor information than what is available by default in the live chat system.
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  • deep learning
    Training neural networks with multiple layers (instead of single layers) to process complex data.
  • department
    A business unit in the user's organization dealing with specific responsibilities. Users can create multiple departments to group agents. Departments can be used as an option for offline messages, chat transfers, routing rules, auto distribution, and so on.
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  • department assignee
    The department to which the ticket is assigned. When a ticket is assigned to a department, all the agents within that department take the ticket.
  • deployment
    The mechanism through which applications, modules, updates, and patches are delivered. Comm100 supports both cloud-based and on-premise deployments. See also cloud deployment, on-premise deployment.
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  • display name
    The name of an agent shown to visitors and other agents in the Comm100 system. Agents' display name can be different from their real name.
  • Dynamic Campaign
    An advanced option that allows users to run different Campaigns on the same webpage based on defined conditions. See also Campaign.
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  • Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) digit
    In Voice Bot, a telecommunication signaling method used to collect numeric information such as order number from callers.
  • Dynamic Info
    A piece of information that is periodically updated, meaning it changes asynchronously over time as new information becomes available. Dynamic Info includes fields from Live Chat and Ticketing & Messaging. 


  • embedded chat window
    A chat window that opens within the same webpage that the visitor is browsing. See also chat window.
  • entity
    In Bot, the a term or object in a message that provides context to customers' intents, such as time, date, or location. See also custom entities, pre-built entities.
  • Event Messages
    The messages defined by users for the Chatbot in the event when the bot cannot recognize the visitor's question, receives a Not Helpful rating, and so on.


  • featured article
    In Knowledge Base, an article that appears above other articles in the list.
  • field
    An item that stores information related to chats, tickets, and contacts. Comm100 has prebuilt system fields and allows users to create custom fields. See also system field, custom field.
  • field mapping
    An operation that associates a Ticketing & Messaging field with a live chat field and an offline message field.
  • fine-tuning
    Extending the training of pre-trained models on new data to increase their performance on specific tasks.


  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
    A regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). It affects how individuals control and protect personal data and has ramifications on Marketing and Sales processes.
  • generative AI
    Deep neural networks that create diverse new content by identifying patterns in datasets like text, images, video, and music. See also Artificial Intelligence (AI).


  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
    A United States Act of Congress enacted in 1996. The Act mandates several actions for healthcare providers, including the protection and handling of sensitive healthcare information, and standards for electronic billing and other processes. Comm100 achieved HIPAA compliance in June 2018.
  • High Confidence Answer
    In Chatbot or Voice Bot, a type of intent answer whose matching score of visitor/caller's question is equal to or greater than the defined high confidence answer threshold. See also Intent answer.


  • insert Dynamic Info
    To add dynamic information into the text to show the updated information automatically. 
  • Intent
    In Bot, the goal or action that a visitor/caller wants to perform when asking a question, such as booking a flight, paying a bill, or finding a news article.
  • Intent answer
    The pre-built responses sent by the chatbot when a customer question has triggered an Intent. There are three types of answers according to the matching score between the customers' questions & Chatbot Intents, and the answer score pre-defined within Comm100. See High Confidence Answer, No Answer, Possible Answer.
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  • internal ticket
    A ticket that is created by an agent and assigned to another agent. 
  • IP allowlist 
    A feature used to limit login access to a set of trusted IPs and IP ranges to protect an account from unauthorized access.
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  • IP allowlist for mobile access
    A feature used to limit access from Comm100 mobile app to a set of trusted IPs and IP ranges.
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  • ISO 27001
    A set of information security standards that govern how organizations store and handle data. Comm100 achieved ISO 27001 compliance in January 2018.


  • join chat
    (An agent) To join an ongoing chat between another agent and a visitor.


  • Keep Department as Assignee
    In Ticketing & Messaging, an Auto Distribution rule that does not allocate the incoming tickets to a specific agent in a department. Tickets in this case need to be taken by agents manually.
  • keyword
    The words that chatbot or agent assist detects when trying to understand customers' questions. Users can set synonyms for each keyword to tell chatbot or agent assist which words or phrases are interchangeable.


  • landing page
    The first page that a visitor arrives at when they come to the website where the live chat code has been embedded.
  • Large Language Models (LLMs)
    Large neural networks with billions of parameters trained on massive datasets to generate natural human-like text output.
  • Last Message Channel
    A Ticketing & Messaging system field. It refers to the channel through which the last message in a ticket was sent or received.
  • Last Message Channel Account
    A Ticketing & Messaging system field. It refers to the channel account used to send the last message in a ticket.
  • Learning
    For Chatbot and Voice Bot, a mechanism that allows the bot to train itself by enriching its intent library with unrecoginzed visitor questions.
  • Live Chat code
    A piece of code snippet which can be installed onto the webpage to get Live Chat running. After the code is implemented, a chat button will appear on the website.
  • Live Chat Startup
    Comm100's SMB level plan which includes basic features of Live Chat. 
  • Live Chat Plus
    Comm100's SMB level plan which provides additional advanced features of Live Chat. 
  • Load Balancing
    In Live Chat and Ticketing & Messaging, an Auto Distribution rule that allocates chats or tickets to agents in a department who have least ongoing chats or tickets. 
  • Location
    In Queue Management, the place where customers get services by joining the queue. One Location can contain multiple Queues. 
  • lunch break
    A pre-built custom away status. See also custom away status.


  • manual invitation
    A chat invitation that is sent to website visitors by agents manually. See also proactive chat.
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  • matching score
    A score indicating the similarity of the customer's question to the intent, based on NLP algorithms. Whenever a customer asks a question, AI checks the customer's question against every intent in the library and returns a matching score for each intent. The score varies from 0 to 100. 0 indicates no match, 100 indicates perfect match. See Agent Assist Score, Chatbot Score.
  • meeting
    A pre-built custom away status. See also custom away status.
  • merge tickets
    To combine one ticket into another. By merging tickets, any future incoming messages, chat transcripts, and offline messages to the source ticket will be automatically attached to the target ticket.
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  • Messenger
    In Ticketing & Messaging, an asynchronous messaging service that gives agents and visitors the freedom to start, pause, and resume the conversation on their own terms.
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  • missed chat
    A chat request which was not picked up by an agent in time. A missed chat can be a visitor leaving the chat queue with or without leaving an offline message. 
  • monitor
    • To supervise an ongoing chat between an agent and a visitor, helping users to increase service quality through internal communication.
    • To observe and identify website visitors and visitor information, which allows agents to provide personalized service for the visitors.
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  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
    A branch of artificial intelligence that focuses on human language, with algorithms to process, understand and generate text and speech.
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS)
    A measurement for customer loyalty and satisfaction. NPS works by collecting customers' feedback on how likely they would recommend the product or service.
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  • neural networks
    A system of interconnected nodes that process data to perform tasks like image recognition -- loosely modeled after the structure of the human brain.
  • No Answer
    In Chatbot or Voice Bot, a situation when the bot cannot find an answer with a matching score higher than the defined No Answer threshold for a question. In this case, the chatbot or the voice bot sends the message configured for When Visitor Question Is Not Recognized. See also Intent answer.
  • no-shows
    In Queue Management, customers who have been summoned by agents to get service but did not arrive as expected.
  • Note
    A way of internal communication among agents when they are handling a chat or ticket. Notes allow agents to add comments and coordinate with others to work on the same case without being displayed to visitors.
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  • offline message
    A message that is left by visitors when the status of chat button is offline. Offline messages are sent to specified email addresses for agents to follow-up.
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  • Omnichannel Gold 
    Comm100's Enterprise level plan which includes basic features of Live Chat, Ticketing & Messaging, Bot, and Knowledge Base. 
  • Omnichannel Platinum
    Comm100's Enterprise level plan which includes additional advanced features of Live Chat, Ticketing & Messaging, Bot, and Knowledge Base. 
  • on-hold tickets
    Tickets that are suspended, waiting for further checks.
  • on-premise deployment
    A deployment option in which users' Comm100 solution is hosted on-premise or at a data center of users' choice. Custom system development can be performed. Upgrades are not made automatically. See also deployment.
  • online status
    A status in which agents are available to take chats and tickets. See also agent status.
  • open tickets 
    Tickets that are waiting to be resolved. Tickets in new, on-hold, pending external, and pending internal statuses are all open tickets. 
  • operating hours
    Agents' working hours. Operating hours affects the predefined rules of Trigger and SLA. When operating hours is chosen as the basis for an SLA policy, time outside the operating hours will not be timed. See also calendar hours
  • Outreach campaign 
    A process of reaching out to target audience groups on a mass level through digital channels. Comm100 outreach support email and SMS channels.
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  • password policy
    A set of password-related rules designed to enhance account security. Password policy includes rules for length, complexity, expiration time, failed login attempts, and the frequency of password update prompts.
  • Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)
    A set of security standards for businesses to process cardholder data. PCI DSS compliance helps secure credit and debit card transactions against data theft and fraud. Comm100 achieved PCI compliance in June 2016.
  • pending internal tickets
    Tickets that are waiting for replies from agents.
  • pending external tickets
    Tickets that are waiting for replies from customers.
  • permission
    The right of an agent to perform certain operations in the Comm100 system.
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  • phone call
    A pre-built custom away status. See also custom away status.
  • plan
    The package of Comm100 products. Comm100 provides SMB and Enterprise level plans, both includes multiple options. On the SMB level, Live Chat Startup and Live Chat Plus plans are provided; on the Enterprise level, Omnichannel Gold, Omnichannel Platinum, and Custom plans are available.
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  • Possible Answer
    In Chatbot, a type of intent answer whose matching score with a question lies between the High Confidence Score and the No Answer Score range. Chatbot sends the name of the top score intent to customers as a possible answer. See also Intent answer.
  • post-chat survey
    A survey used to collect visitors' ratings and evaluative comments after a chat ends.
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  • popup chat window
    A chat window that opens in a new webpage, different from the webpage that the visitor is browsing. See also chat window.
  • pre-built entities
    In Bot, the default entities provided by Comm100. These are prefixed as sys and represent a term or object in a message that provides a specific context for an intent, such as sys-time, sys-date, or sys-location. See also Entity.
  • pre-chat survey
    A form used to collect visitors' information such as name and email before a chat starts.
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  • private canned message 
    A canned message which can be accessed by the agent who creates it only. See also canned message.
  • proactive chat
    A chat that is initiated by agents or triggered by pre-defined rules. Visitors are invited into proactive chats. See also automatic invitation, manual invitation.
  • public canned message
    A canned message which can be used by all agents in the same site. See also canned message.
  • push page
    An option that allows agents to send links that open automatically without being clicked on.
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  • question grouping
    In Chatbot, an option that allows users to group questions with similar meanings for easier management of intents.
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  • Quick Replies
    The pre-defined options that chatbots send to users. Users can respond by clicking one of the options instead of typing it in.
  • Queue
    In Queue Management, a virtual line that customers join through a webpage for getting services.
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  • queue length
    The number of visitors who are waiting for an available agent in the chat queue.


  • Recycle Bin
    On the Agent Console, a folder that stores deleted tickets. Tickets in Recycle Bin can be restored and will not be automatically cleared.
  • release a visitor
    To stop capturing visitors so that they will disappear from the visitor list in the Agent Console. See also capture a visitor.
  • resolved tickets
    Tickets that have been closed.
  • rejoin
    (Of agents) In Queue Management, to add no-show customers back to the waiting list. 
  • reopen ticket
    To activate a resolved ticket for further follow-up. 
  • restricted words
    Words and phrases that agents are not allowed to send to customers. With this feature enabled, the restricted words in agents' messages are highlighted, and the messages cannot be sent out until the restricted words are removed.
  • role
    The position of a member in the user's organization. The role relates to a set of permissions. In Comm100, administrator and agent are system default roles.
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  • Round Robin
    In Live Chat and Ticketing & Messaging, an Auto Distribution rule that allocates chats or tickets to agents in a department one after another based on the order they get online. 
  • Routing Rules
    • In Live Chat, a feature that allows visitors to be distributed to designated departments or agents based on visitor location, source, navigation history, and other information. See also Skill-Based Routing.
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    • In Ticketing and Messaging, a feature that allows a ticket to be automatically distributed to the designated department or agent based on ticket channel, subject, created time, and other information.
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  • screen sharing
    A technology that allows agents to access and request control of a visitor's screen in real time. In a screen sharing session, agents can see and request control over the visitor's desktop and webpages. Comm100 Live Chat allows users to integrate with screen sharing applications like GoToMeeting. 
  • Secure Messaging
    In Ticketing & Messaging, a front-end and server-based approach to enable end-to-end secure communication between agents and customers and protect sensitive data.
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  • seat
    An allocated user license purchased when users subscribe to Comm100 products. Seats defines the maximum number of agents allowed.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO)
    An authentication service that helps users sign in to multiple applications through a single set of credential. It allows users to create their identity once and access various websites and applications through the same username and password. See also Agent Single Sign-On (SSO), Visitor Single Sign-On (SSO).
  • Secure Form
    A PCI-compliant form which can be enabled within the chat system and inserted into chats manually by agents. Secure Form allows agents to request sensitive data such as credit card numbers without the data being saved into chat transcripts.
  • Service Level Agreement (SLA)
    A commitment between users and their customers, which can contain numerous service-performance objectives.
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  • Service Level Agreement (SLA) policy
    In Ticketing & Messaging, a standard that lays out the service performance targets in terms of ticket response and resolution time. 
  • Service Level Agreement (SLA) breach
    A violation of an SLA policy. SLA breach occurs when a ticket misses the defined SLA targets.
  • Session Initial Protocol (SIP)
    The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is a popular internet telephony protocol, forms the foundation of all types of internet communication sessions.
  • side window
    An extended window that slides out to the left of the chat window when visitors click on a link such as a YouTube video link. Side window allows visitors to view the content without opening a new browser tab or window.
  • site
    A collection of Comm100 resources dedicated to an account. Typically, one account in the Comm100 system corresponds to one site. A partner account can have multiple sites.
  • site administrator
    See administrator.
  • Skill-Based Routing
    A routing strategy used to distribute visitors to agents with the most relevant skills for handling their chats. Skills can be languages, IT skills, or product areas. Users can set up skills in combination of departments to automatically route the incoming chats to the most suitable agent. See also Routing Rules
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  • smart trigger
    Pertaining to automated actions (such as routing a chat to an agent or sending a notification to an administrator) within Comm100 when certain events occur or where certain conditions are met while the Chatbot is chatting. The events or conditions can be based on visitor information, message content, detected intents, or repetitive chatbot answers.
  • shift
    A feature that allows users to set up and coordinate agents' working schedule, including working hours and holidays.
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  • SOC2 Type II
    A compliance standard for service providers that store or handle customer data on the cloud. It requires companies to establish and follow strict information security policies and procedures encompassing the security, availability, processing, integrity, and confidentiality of customer data. Comm100 got SOC2 Type II certified in 2019.
  • speech adaptation
    A functionality that helps voice bots better recognize specific words or phrases. Users can list words and phrases  those occurs frequently to improve the accuracy of speech recognition.
  • suggestion
    The answer options provided by Agent Assist for agents when a customer sends a question. 
  • suggestion source
    The content sources that Agent Assist uses for suggesting answers to agents. Comm100 Agent Assist suggestion sources can be Pubilc Canned Messages, Knowledge Bases, and Chatbots. 
  • summon
    (Of agents) In Queue Management, to call customers who have reached the front of the queue to get service.
  • synonym
    The words or phrases with the same meaning as the keyword. One keyword can have multiple synonyms. The synonyms added for each keyword tell chatbot and agent assist about different words or phrases similar to the keyword.
  • Super Agent
    An agent who can access multiple sites with a single login. Designed for scenarios when you need to provide customer service for multiple sites, Comm100's Super Agent feature enables agents to observe ongoing chats and tickets from different accounts on one screen. See also agent.
  • system field
    A prebuilt field that stores information related to chats, tickets, and contacts. See also field.



  • Task Bot
    A bot that automates rule-based and repetitive actions to help improve your team's productivity and efficiency. Businesses can collect leads, book meetings, route chats, reduce wait times, and automate basic customer service workflows.
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  • ticket
    An online request or query from a customer that has been submitted to customer service.
  • ticket signature
    The personalized text that is automatically inserted at the end of an email ticket agents send.
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  • third-party bot
    A chatbot built on other platforms. If you have already built your chatbots, you can easily connect these chatbots to Comm100 using webhooks.
  • transfer chat
    (An agent) To hand over a chat to another agent or department.
  • Transport Layer Security (TLS)
    A type of encryption protocol used to encrypt all Comm100-provided communications to ensure account privacy and data integrity.
  • trigger
    A mechanism that automatically initiates an action based on predefined rules. Triggers can automate actions such as sending notification emails, changing the assignee, and initiating Webhook events.
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  • View
    An option that allows agents to categorize tickets by defining conditions on the Agent Console.
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  • Visitor Segmentation
    A feature that allows users to categorize visitors by defining conditions. Agents can be kept informed of the visitors' segments in real time.
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  • Visitor Side JavaScript API
    An API that allows users to customize the behavior and appearance of visitor side chat interface, including chat button, invitation, Pre/Post-Chat survey, chat window, offline message window and visitor side-window.
  • Visitor Single Sign-On (SSO)
    A mechanism that allows the user's system to authenticate website visitors and subsequently tell Comm100 that the visitor has been authenticated. This prevents visitors from entering login information repeatedly. See also Single Sign-On (SSO).
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  • voice bot
    A virtual assistant that can communicate with your customers. It can help automate communication, streamline operations, collect customer feedback, and much more.
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  • voice bot minutes
    A metric that shows the voice bot's usage in the current billing period. The usage resets each month/year according to users' billing schedule.
  • voice bot sensitivity
    The Voice Bot's capacity to provide matching answers to callers' questions. The sensitivity score ranges from 0 to 100 and can be manually adjusted.
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