Each Comm100 account corresponds to a Comm100 site. All the settings and configurations work within the site. For Organization users who have multiple Comm100 sites, Cross-Site Chat Transfer ensures that chats can be transferred from one site to another while keeping the data and configurations of each site separate. With Cross-Site Chat Transfer, agents can transfer the chat to agents from another site as long as the sites are in the same cross-site chat transfer group. The next agent can see the visitor's name and email passed from the previous site, so that the visitor can have a consistent chat experience without the need to fill out a pre-chat form twice.
This article introduces how to transfer chats to another site and how the transfer affects the visitor side experience.
- For sites using multiple Live Chat campaigns, before using cross-site chat transfer, you need to set up the default campaign for receiving the chat transferred from other sites.
- For sites with only one campaign, agents can transfer the chat on the Agent Console right after the cross-site chat transfer group is created.
Within a site, a default campaign is used for chat transfer across different sites. When a chat is transferred from another site, the selected campaign is used to receive the chat.
- The default campaign for cross-site chat transfer cannot be deleted.
- If you have multiple campaigns and do not set up the default campaign for cross-site chat transfer, the first campaign that is created will be used to receive the chats.
- After the chat transfer, the default campaign’s chat window style does not apply to the visitor-side chat window. All other settings, including language, system messages, allocation rules, and post-chat form, will be based on the default campaign.
To set up the default campaign for cross-site chat transfer, follow these steps:
- Log in to your Comm100 account.
- From the left navigation menu, go to Live Chat > Campaign.
- Expand the campaign drop-down list, and click Manage in the Manage campaigns area.
The Campaigns drawer appears. - On the Campaigns drawer, expand the Advanced area, and click Default Campaign for Cross-Site Chat Transfer.
- From the drop-down list, choose the campaign that you want to use to receive chats transferred from other sites.
- Click OK.
The default campaign is configured successfully.
After the cross-site chat transfer group and the default campaign are configured properly, agents can transfer and receive chats on Agent Console. You can only transfer the chat to the target site when there are agents available (there are agents in Online or Away status). After a chat is transferred from site A to site B, the chat ends on site A, and a new chat starts on site B.
To transfer a chat to agents of another site, follow these steps:
- On the Conversation panel, click the Transfer the chat to another agent or department icon.
- On the Transfer the Chat to popup, choose the target site for the chat transfer from the drop-down list.
- Choose Department, Agent, or Any Agent based on your needs.
- Department: The departments with agents online appear in the list. You can choose the target department from the list. The chat will go to an online agent according to the auto allocation settings of the target site.
- Agent: All the online agents appear in the list. You can choose the target agent from the list.
- Any Agent: To transfer the chat to any online agent, choose this option. The chat will go to an online agent according to the routing rules of the default campaign.
- (Optional) If required, unselect the Transfer with available chat transcript checkbox. By default, this option is enabled to give agents more information. If you do not want to share the chat transcript, for example, to protect visitors’ privacy, you can clear the checkbox. With this option enabled, the target site agent can see the chat transcript before the transfer. Otherwise, the chat transcript will be unavailable.
- Click Transfer.
The chat is successfully transferred to the target site agent.- For the source site agent, the chat ends. The agent cannot view or join the subsequent chat.
- For the target site agent, a new chat starts. The agent can see the transfer log in the chat window, and visitor name and email are passed from the previous site.
- For the visitor, the chat window remains the same style, and previous chat transcript is available. The visitor can continue chatting with the next site agent without filling out the pre-chat form of the second site.
- For the source site agent, the chat ends. The agent cannot view or join the subsequent chat.