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Metrics and Attributes for Ticketing and Messaging

In Custom Report, data of each Comm100 product is organized into multiple datasets. Each dataset contains a subset of metrics and attributes that can be used to build reports.

This article introduces all the metrics and attributes available for Ticketing & Messaging datasets. Ticketing & Messaging datasets include the following:

  • Ticket dataset
  • Ticket SLA dataset

Ticket Dataset

Ticket Metrics



Supported Aggregator

Agent Messages

The number of messages sent by agents in the tickets.


Agent Response Time

The time it took an agent to reply to a ticket message.


Bot Only Tickets

The number of tickets involved with Chatbot only.


Bot to Agent Tickets

The number of tickets involved with both agent and Chatbot.


Created Tickets

The number of tickets created in the selected time range.


First Response Time

The time it took an agent to send the first response in a ticket.

Average, Maximum, Sum, Minimum

High Priority Tickets

The number of tickets with High Priority.


Low Priority Tickets

The number of tickets with Low Priority.


New Tickets

The number of tickets in the status of New.


Normal Priority Tickets

The number of tickets with Normal Priority.


On Hold Tickets

The number of tickets in the status of On Hold.


Open Tickets

The number of tickets waiting to be resolved. It's the sum of tickets in the status of New, Pending Internal, Pending External, and On Hold in the selected time range.


Pending External Tickets

The number of tickets in the status of Pending External.


Pending Internal Tickets

The number of tickets in the status of Pending Internal.


Reopened Tickets

The number of tickets in the status of Reopened changed from Resolved status.


Replied Tickets

The number of tickets that an agent has replied to.


Resolved Tickets

The number of tickets in the status of Resolved.


Ticket Resolve Time

The time it took to resolve a ticket.

Average, Maximum, Sum, Minimum


The number of tickets.


Tickets From Chat

The number of tickets from the Chat channel.


Tickets From Email

The number of tickets from the Email channel.


Tickets From Facebook

The number of tickets from Facebook channels, including Facebook Wall Post, Facebook Visitor Post, and Facebook Messenger.


Tickets From Facebook Messenger

The number of tickets from Facebook Messenger.


Tickets From Facebook Vistor Post

The number of tickets from Facebook Visitor Post.


Tickets From Facebook Wall Post

The number of tickets from Facebook Wall Post.


Ticket Attributes



Agent Assignee

The agent that the ticket is assigned to.

Assignee Type

The assignee type. Values include Chatbot and Agent.


The message channel that the ticket comes from. Values include Email, Facebook Messenger, Facebook Visitor Post, Facebook Wall Post, Tweet, Twitter Direct Message, Telegram, WhatsApp, LINE, WeChat, SMS, Chat, and Offline Message.

Channel Account

The account that a ticket comes from. Channel accounts can be Facebook Pages, Email accounts, Twitter accounts, WhatsApp for Business accounts, WeChat Official accounts, SMS accounts, and so on.

Chatbot Assignee

The Chatbot that the ticket is assigned to.

Department Assignee

The department that the ticket is assigned to.

Last message channel

The channel through which the last message in a ticket was sent or received.

Last message channel Account

The account used to send the last message in a ticket.


Ticket priority. Values include Low, Normal, High, and Urgent.


Ticket status. Values include New, Pending Internal, Pending External, On Hold, and Resolved.


The tag added to the ticket.

Created Time

The time when the ticket was created.

Last Replied Time

The time when the last message in a ticket was sent.

Last Status Changed Time

The last time that a ticket's status changed.

Last Updated Time

The last time that any change was made to a ticket.

Resolved Time

The time when the ticket was resolved.

Agent Assignee

The agent that the ticket is assigned to.

Assignee Type

The assignee type. Values include Chatbot and agent.


The message channel that the ticket comes from. Values include Email, Facebook Messenger, Facebook Visitor Post, Facebook Wall Post, Tweet, Twitter Direct Message, Telegram, WhatsApp, LINE, WeChat, SMS, Chat, and Offline Message.

Ticket SLA Dataset

Ticket SLA Metrics



Supported Aggregator

SLA First Response Time

For tickets that have SLA targets, the time to send the first response.


SLA Breached Tickets

The number of tickets that breached the SLA policy.


SLA First Response Achieved Tickets

The number of tickets that achieved the SLA First Response target.


% SLA First Response Rate

The percentage of SLA First Response Achieved Tickets to SLA First Response Total Tickets.


SLA First Response Total Tickets

Among tickets that have SLA targets, the number of tickets whose first response were sent.


SLA Next Respond Time

For tickets that have SLA targets, the time to send the next response.


SLA Next Response Achieved Tickets

Among tickets that have SLA targets, the number of tickets that breached the SLA Next Response target.


SLA Next Response Achieved Tickets

Among tickets that have SLA targets, the number of tickets that achieved the SLA Next Response target.


% SLA Next Response Rate

The percentage of SLA Next Response Achieved Tickets to SLA Next Response Total Tickets.


SLA Resolution Achieved Tickets

Among tickets that have SLA targets, the number of tickets that achieved the Resolve target.


% SLA Resolution Rate

The percentage of SLA Resolution Achieved Tickets to SLA Resolution Total Tickets.


SLA Resolution Time

For tickets that have SLA targets, the time to resolve the ticket.


SLA Resolution Total Tickets

Among tickets that have SLA targets, the number of tickets that are resolved.


Ticket SLA Attributes



Agent Assignee

The agent that the ticket is assigned to.

Assignee Type

The assignee type. Values include Chatbot and agent.


The message channel that the ticket comes from. Values include Email, Facebook Messenger, Facebook Visitor Post, Facebook Wall Post, Tweet, Twitter Direct Message, Telegram, WhatsApp, LINE, WeChat, SMS, Chat, and Offline Message.

Channel Account

The account that a ticket comes from. Channel accounts can be Facebook Pages, Email accounts, Twitter accounts, WhatsApp for Business accounts, WeChat Official accounts, SMS accounts, and so on.

Chatbot Assignee

The Chatbot that the ticket is assigned to.

Department Assignee

The department that the ticket is assigned to.

Last message channel

The channel through which the last message in a ticket was sent or received.

Last message channel Account

The account used to send the last message in a ticket.

SLA Policy

SLA policy name.


Ticket priority. Values include Low, Normal, High, and Urgent.


Ticket status. Values include New, Pending Internal, Pending External, On Hold, and Resolved.

Created Time

The time when the ticket was created.

Last Replied Time

The time when the last message in a ticket was sent.

Last Status Changed Time

The last time that a ticket's status changed.

Last Updated Time

The last time that any change was made to a ticket.

Resolved Time

The time when the ticket was resolved.