How to Use Generative Answers

Generative answers in Comm100 refer to responses generated by our Chatbot through deep learning and analysis of the extensive information sources you provide using Large Language Models (LLMs). These responses are not predefined or stored in a database; they are automatically generated to provide coherent, informative, and contextually relevant outputs that closely resemble the source data.

Our system employs Tokens to measure the usage of Generative Answers. Token represents number of words, where 100 tokens equate approximately 75 words. This calculation encompasses both the words presented in the generated response and the supporting materials extracted from the information sources. If a word repeats within a single question-answer scenario, it is counted based on the actual frequency of its occurrence. When crafting responses to one visitor question, approximately 5,000 tokens are typically consumed.

Enable Generative Answers

When creating a new Chatbot or editing an NLP engine Chatbot, turn on the Use Generative Answers toggle.

Enable Gen-A.png

  • Generative Answers are not applicable to Third-party Chatbot or Keyword engine Chatbot.
  • Generative Answers type is only for Comm100 Live Chat channel and only supports English.
  • When both Generative Answers and Custom Answers are enabled, you can only use NLP Engine for Custom Answers.
Add Content for Chatbot to Fetch Information

Content is the information resources that Chatbot fetches and utilizes to interact with your visitors. In Comm100, Content can be online webpages or your local files. Online webpages allows the Chatbot to retrieve online public resources, and local files enables the Chatbot to use information saved on your local devices. Choose the method based on your Content type.

Input a Public URL

To use online public webpages as the Content, follow these steps:

  1. On the Comm100 Control Panel, go to Bot > Chatbot > Generative Answers.
  2. Click New Content and choose Webpage. The New Content - Webpage drawer appears from the right.
    Untitled (2).png
  3. Input an accessible public URL for Chatbot to access the content. You can use regular expressions to filter out the webpages.
    • For the best results, providing your public help center homepage link is recommended.
    • Avoid entering a single page URL, such as, as this will only retrieve that particular page.
    • The configured URL is set as the starting page. The Chatbot crawls and imports all the webpages starting with the URL you enter.
    • The URL matching rule enables you to filter out the pages you wish to sync. The setup requires a basic understanding of regular expressions. You can consult with your technical team or access basic information by clicking here.
      • When no URL matching rule is defined, all HTML webpages within the URL path are imported.
      • When a URL matching rule is defined, the Chatbot imports the webpages that match the rule, regardless of whether they are within the URL path or not.
      • With multiple rules in place, a webpage is imported as long as it matches one of the defined rules.
  4. Click Sync Now. The system starts to fetch valuable information based on the content available on the website and shows the processing status.sync progress.png
    Note: For each source, the total content size cannot be more than 50MB. The crawling task finishes once this number is reached and more pages are ignored.
  5. (Optional) To cancel a syncing task waiting in line or in progress, click Manage Resources, then delete the task from the resource list.

Upload Local Files

To upload your local files as the Content, follow these steps:

  1. On the Comm100 Control Panel, go to Bot > Chatbot > Generative Answers.
  2. Click New Content and choose File. The New Content - File drawer appears from the right.
    Untitled (1).png
  3. To upload your files, drag and drop your files into the file box or click to choose your files. During the upload process, you can view the progress of uploading.
  4. (Optional) To cancel an uploading task, click the Delete button for a single file, or click Cancel All Uploads to cancel the entire task.cancel upload.png
  • Supported file formats: docx, html, md, pdf, txt.
  • The maximum size for a single file to upload is 20.00MB.
  • During the file uploading process, if you choose Cancel All Uploads, all the files in this task are removed, no matter whether the file has been uploaded or not. 

After files are uploaded or webpages are synced successfully, you have the flexibility to disable the specific content that you want to exclude from future information retrieval process. You can also re-enable this content at any time when needed.
Enable-Disable Content.png

Sync Source for Chatbot to Retrieve Webpages

A Source is a public website URL that Chatbot retrieves webpages from. Source sync typically takes few hours as the system retrieves all webpages under the provided public URL. The sync process happens every 7 days automatically. If you’ve made substantial updates to your webpages, you can manually click Sync to have the system start syncing newly updated contents immediately.

To manually sync the Source, click “x sources” on the Generative Answers page.
Answer Sources.png

The Manage Sources drawer appears. Click the three dots associated with the Source you’d like to sync and click Sync.
Sync Source.png

After successfully syncing a Source, you can disable or enable it as per your specific requirements.

Note: Disabling or enabling Source will have a corresponding effect on the associated Contents. Please exercise caution and double check before making the change.
How Chatbot Provides Answers 

Small Talk, Custom Answers, Generative Answers, and Smart Triggers are the four primary sources for Chatbot to locate suitable responses or perform proper actions. When all four types are equipped with valid answers or operations, Chatbot will provide responses as follows:

  1. Small Talk
    If the visitor’s question matches a Small Talk with a High Confidence Score, Chatbot will respond using the Small Talk flow. In cases where there is no High Confidence Score match, Chatbot will proceed to search for responses within the Custom Answers.
  2. Custom Answers
    If the answer’s confidence score falls within the High Confidence or Possible Answer range, Chatbot will draw responses from your Custom Answers. While if it lands on the No Answer range, Chatbot will begin searching for responses within the Generative Answers.
  3. Generative Answers
    When a direct answer is available, it will be provided directly to the visitor. However, if Chatbot can only find highly related content, Chatbot will respond with a Possible Answer, including URLs to these related resources for the visitor's reference and further assistance. While if no related content can be found, this will trigger the "Message when Chatbot cannot answer the visitor's question" event flow.
  4. Smart Triggers
    Smart triggers are the instructions for the chatbot to perform certain actions based on pre-defined conditions. It lets you define certain rules to have specific actions automatically. To learn more about Smart Triggers, see this article.

To learn more about Chatbot Sensitivity, see this article.
To learn more about Event Messages, see this article.