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A question or intent can be expressed using different sets of words that are easy for a human mind to understand but not for a Chatbot. Then, here comes the need for the Chatbot to learn the different questions or set of words representing an intent.Cha...
You can use our in-house Bot engine (Keyword or NLP engine) or your Third-party Bot to create a Comm100 chatbot. This article walks you through the steps to create a chatbot using Comm100 in-house engine. When creating a Chatbot, you need to define the ...
Smart triggers are the instructions for the chatbot to perform certain actions based on pre-defined conditions. It lets you define certain rules to have specific actions automatically. For example, you can instruct the chatbot to automatically forward t...
Comm100 now supports the integration of its Chatbot with third-party Live Chat channels like Zendesk. This integration will allow you to provide faster and better services to your visitors. The integration can come in handy in the following scenarios:If...
IntroductionComm100 provides smart and capable chatbots to automate your communication and streamline business operations. Comm100 Chatbot supports third-party engines apart from our in-house Bot engine.Watson Assistant is IBM’s AI-powered intelligent v...
Intents stand for the intentions of a website visitor. It represents the visitor’s purpose, like "Booking a ticket," "Paying a fee," or "Finding a news article."Intents are contained in the questions that visitors ask to chatbots. For example, in the qu...
The Event Messages allow you to define how your Chatbot interact with the visitor under certain circumstances. For example, when a new chat starts or when the Chatbot cannot provide a high confidence answer, the Chatbot can respond with predefined messa...
Comm100’s Chatbot is a virtual agent that can answer your visitor's questions. It can also perform tasks like booking a ticket, qualifying leads, and so forth. It works like a human agent to help visitors and find solutions to their questions. Comm100 C...
Comm100 Chatbot provides you with a set of actions connected in a guided workflow. These actions allow your bot to send content, collect information and perform some advanced actions while communicating with your visitor. Comm100 Chatbot offers you the ...
Conditions are a step, which can be used within a chatbot answer flow that changes the path a visitor will take based on information about them. In Comm100, you can add Conditions via the Conditions card in the Intents-Answers and Event Messages flow bu...
For Chatbots using Custom Answers, you need to build the action flow for the Chatbot to send when receiving specific questions. The chatbot’s effectiveness depends on the intent library you set up for it.After deciding the Intents tailored to your indus...
The new Question Grouping option in Comm100’s Learning feature of Chatbot allows you to group questions with similar meanings. Similar visitor questions can be grouped using the grouping algorithm.You can group questions using any of the three grouping ...
Comm100’s Chatbot allows your customers to interact with a Chatbot to receive information about products or services quickly and efficiently.However, you may need to extend the capabilities of our Chatbot by connecting it to your own database for more p...
Conducting Sentiment Analysis in real-time with your Chatbot visitors interface is a challenging proposition, yet can yield successful results as it allows you to better understand your visitor's needs and pivot the conversation accordingly. Sentiment A...
Chatbot sensitivity refers to the Chatbot’s capacity to provide matching answers to the visitor questions during the live chat. The Chatbot’s sensitivity is determined and set using a score range of 0 to 100 where 100 represents an absolute match, and 0...
Entities are pieces of information that provide more context to an intent. They might be times, dates,locations, people, or other pieces of information that adjust the intent to avisitor’s specific needs.Adding entitiesto intentshelps the chatbotidentif...
IntroductionThe reporting for Chatbot serves as an important tool for measuring the achievements of the Chatbot. It also helps you find out the areas where your Chatbot needs improvement. Comm100 Reporting provides metrics that matter most to the perfor...
Entities are pieces of information that provide more context to an intent. They might be times, dates, locations, people, or other pieces of information that adjust the intent to a visitor's specific needs. Adding entities to intents helps the Chatbot ...
Comm100 Chatbot now supports over 30 different languages. These include Cantonese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spa...
Comm100 chatbot supports Auto Translation based on Google Translation integration. Auto Translation enables your bot to chat with visitors using any language.When Auto Translation is enabled, the chatbot detects the visitor’s language and translates the...
When a visitor visits your page and asks a question to the Chatbot, a conversation begins. Your Chatbot greets the visitor and helps them with their questions. Use quick replies and create flows to let the Chatbot guide your visitors to specific intent....
If you have a third-party bot and want to manage its deployment using Comm100, you can integrate it with Comm100 using Webhooks deploy it over Live Chat and social messaging channels.Note:The Chatbot can be deployed in one channel only. The Chatbot that...
Bot Action usage is calculated based on the number of messages your bot sends to your visitors. These messages are triggered or sent to visitors during any chat. Bot Action usage calculation consists of Intent Answers and Event Messages. To understand ...
IntroductionGenerative answers in Comm100 refer to responses generated by our Chatbot through deep learning and analysis of the extensive information sources you provide using Large Language Models (LLMs). These responses are not predefined or stored in...
Categories help you segregate intents and group them into a specific type. You can arrange intents related to atopicor feature under one category for organizing them well and for ease of use.Forexample, while creating intents, you may bundle specific in...
The Comm100 Bot-to-Bot Transfer allows you to transfer chats from one Chatbot to another Chatbot or Task Bot to another Chatbot. When a chat is transferred from one Bot to another Bot, the first Bot leaves the chat as one chat can be handled by one Bot ...
Thisguide introduces you to the essential functionalities needed to get you started with Comm100’s Chatbot. Work through each section's steps, decide what you require for your business, and configure the Chatbot accordingly. You are ready to launch afte...
If you’ve built your own bot with a third-party bot provider and want to manage its deployment using Comm100, you can integrate with Comm100 using Webhooks. Once set up, your integrated bot can be deployed over Live chat, Social (such as Facebook and Tw...
Intents are the purposes or goals that a user wants to use a chatbot for, such as booking a flight, paying a bill, or finding a news article. To help you quickly create your own chatbot questions base, you can import your own prepared Questions and Answ...
A Chatbot answer allows you to insert a clickable URL for your visitor to check more information.A URL may include further instruction steps, a downloadable link to some files, or another page where your visitor can carry on with the self-service, and s...
Comm100allowsyou toexportandimportthe Chatbot along with its configured Settings, Intents, Entities,andQuick Replies. Benefits ofexportingandimportingthe ChatbotThe prime benefitsto export and importthe Chatbot are: Back-Up: Youcan takeback up of existi...
Comm100’sChatbotis a virtual agent that can answer your visitor's questions.It canalsoperform tasks like booking a ticket,qualifying leads, and so forth.It works like a human agenttohelpvisitors andfind solutions to their questions.You canuseitin both L...
An entity represents the prediction for a word or phrase inside a visitor’s question or commands that you want it extracted. The data can be a name, product name, date, or any group of words. By comparison, the intent represents the prediction of the en...
The fundamental advantage of Chatbot's Historyfeatureis to facilitate your control over your Chatbot.Comm100stores all the Chatbot Chats and Tickets in itsdatabase. You can see thechats in the History section of the Control Panel andtickets in the Ticke...
The simulatorandtheLive Chatpreviewfacilitatethetestingof Intents, Messages, and in checking thematchingscores. Testingis essential as it finds outflaws sothatyou canfixthembefore it is visible to your visitors.TestingtheChatbot in thesimulatorYou can t...
Comm100 Chatbot allows you to ask the visitors to share their location to achieved more personalized responses. Based on your business requirements, your customer is required to send their location before Chatbot returns with the best matching reply.Whi...
A concierge bot is an artificial intelligence (AI)-based conversational interface where your visitors are correctly routed against the inquiries before a human agent is needed. As a result, you can engage with your visitors round the clock without keepi...
Canvas, a widely used learning management system, serves as a centralized platform for educators and institutions to efficiently manage various facets of the academic experience. This includes overseeing students' enrollments, distributing announcements...
Comm100 Chatbot’s Achieve a Goal action allows you to track the number of times that a specific action has been reached within the answer flow. Having a Goal action after certain actions helps you to easily track if the user has gone through a specific ...
For an NLP Chatbot, if both Generative Answers and Custom Answers are enabled, you can use the Ask AI a question action when editing the Chatbot’s answer flow. Generative answers are generated by the Chatbot through deep learning and analysis of the ext...
Comm100 Chatbot’s Visitor Question Suggestion feature is designed to facilitate Live Chat communications between you and your customers. When chatting with a visitor, the Chatbot predicts visitors’ queries and offers suggestions as visitors type, allowi...